Thursday, July 10, 2008

Game On

OK so I don't think this is real but I don't care so much. It is cool. Enjoy. Terryl and I did this stuff all around Wolfenbuttel (mainly because the hausmeister wouldn't let us in the gym)...


Josh said...

Scientific analysis: The shots here are real. The girls only had to repeat the shots about the number of times it would take to hit the shot statistically, on average. If Steve Kerr shoots 50% for 3s, he would only expect to film around two shots before hitting one. I calculate that the girl who threw two balls over her back off a roof and into two separate trash cans only should have expected to film 3,458,237 shots (on average) before hitting one.

Now a philosophical point. So if it is possible for these girls to hit ALL those shots, (admittedly missing them a lot more often than making them), then the conclusion is that all these shots are "makeable". So why aren't there any humans that can make every shot? Could a terminator do it? This brings up a second possibility. Are the girls in the movie in fact terminators?

Ralphie said...

Get a job and the blog goes dormant. I want more stuff.

Josh said...

I agree with Ralphie. While Melo and company are taking on the world, respect the streak is dropping the ball.

Ralphie said...

Is this blog defunct? I don't get it. I need reading material. I want to get charged up over sports. Where are you guys. Get with the program.

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